Its a Battlefield out there!

Life is tough and unfortunately Booboo is learning that at a young age….he learned that even when someone is small and cute and seems really nice and even smiles at you…watch out they just might bite you!!

Can you see the two small red marks on the top of his nose?? Yes those are teeth marks…..from his supposed friend who is a 11month old who decided Booboo’s nose looked like a great way to relieve his pain of teething…Watch out!! It is a Cruel world out there!!   Make sure people who are smiling to your face aren’t turning around and biting you….unless they are a 11 month old baby who  really does love you and wouldn’t intentionally hurt a fly.

Booboo after many hugs and kisses has recovered and is looking forward to his next encounter where he won’t easily be fooled by a smiling baby. He is well on his way to learning that it is a battlefield out there and you’ve got to learn to fight or you might get bit.

Watch out!! ~Love Country Gal

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